
[来源] [作者:aowl] [日期:18-06-14] [浏览次数:]
化妆镜的选购技巧 Selecting and buying techniques of make-up mirror 首先可以看镜子的反光效果:在光线亮的地方照一下,反光好就可以; First of all, you can look at the reflection effect of the mirror: take a shine in the light, and reflect well. 其次看背面:镜子背面有银灰色的和红色的,最好选择红色的; Next look at the back: there are silver grey and red on the back of the mirror, and the best choice is red. 再者看镜子有无变形和掉色的现象发生,还有镜子后部水银的地方必须要有内衬纸和背板,可以防止水银被磨掉。 In addition, it is necessary to see whether there is any deformation and discoloration in the mirror, and the place where mercury in the rear part of the mirror must have internal lining and backboard to prevent mercury from being worn away. 最后看外观:从各个角度去观察镜子,看镜子中远处的直线物体,稍微的移动下视线,要是直线物体没有弯曲变形 ,说明镜子的质量就不错。 Look at the appearance at the end: look at the mirror from all angles, look at the straight line in the distance, move the line of sight a little, and if the straight object does not bend, it shows the quality of the mirror is good. 化妆镜的保养知识 The maintenance knowledge of the make-up mirror 1、平时用湿抹布擦拭镜面,清理下灰尘,要是有其他污渍,可以配上清洁剂清洗,之后用抹布擦干,可以用报纸擦拭,效果会更好。 1, in peacetime with wet wipes to wipe the mirror, clean down the dust, if there are other stains, can be equipped with detergent cleaning, then wipe dry with a rag, can be wiped with a newspaper, the effect will be better. 2、要经常的清理灰尘,保持镜面的光亮,要避免被锐器刮花和强烈的碰撞。 2, we must clean up the dust regularly, keep the mirror bright, avoid sharp scratches and strong collisions.
关键字:镜子 化妆镜
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