
[来源] [作者:aowl] [日期:18-03-21] [浏览次数:]
中国奴隶制社会初期正处青铜器时代,人们在长期的青铜冶铸实践中,认识了合金成分、性能和用途之间的关 系,并能人工的控制铜、锡、铅配比。古书《考工记》中记载“金有六齐”,即合金的六种配比。其中最后一齐:“金,锡半,谓之鉴燧之齐。”就是制作铜镜用的配比。“鉴”即是镜,含锡较高,是因为铜镜磨出光亮的表面和银白色泽,还需要有铸造性能以保证花纹细致。 中国人早在2000多年以前就制出了精美的“透光镜”,它能反射出铜镜背后的美丽图案,因此引起世人的极大兴趣。为了解开“透光镜”之谜,国内外学者花了几百年时间进行研究探索,直到近代才发现,这是由于镜面在制造加工以后,有相对于背面图案的轻微不等的曲率,通过反射映出背面的图案。这充分说明了中国古代高超的制镜技术和对光反射特性深刻认识。 At the beginning of the slavery society China is the bronze age, bronze smelting people in the long-term practice, understanding the relationship between alloy composition, properties and applications, and can control the ratio of copper, tin and lead artificial. The ancient book, "Kao Gong Ji", recorded "gold has six Qi", that is, six kinds of alloy. The last together: "gold, tin, called the Kam Sui qi." Is the production with the ratio of bronze mirror. "Mirror" is a mirror, tin is high, because the mirror grinding out a bright surface and silver white color, also need to have the casting performance to ensure careful pattern. Chinese as early as 2000 years ago on a delicate system of "light mirror", it reflects the beautiful patterns behind the mirror, thus aroused great interest in the world. In order to solve the mystery of "light microscope", domestic and foreign scholars spent hundreds of years of research and exploration, until recently discovered that this is due to the mirror in the manufacturing process, with respect to the pattern on the back slightly unequal curvature, through the reflection mirror on the back of the pattern. This fully demonstrates the superb technology of ancient China mirror and a profound understanding of light reflection characteristics.
关键字:梳妆镜 梳妆
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