
[来源] [作者:aoutmy] [日期:17-02-17] [浏览次数:]
本期介绍小镜子的制作过程。在做的这三件物品中,每一件都有每一件的技术难点,梳子的难点在于开齿,在不使用电动工具的情况下,要把齿开均匀,开直,是非常考验耐性和心性的。梳妆盒的难点在于开45度角及开榫,尺寸的误差不能太大。而这个看似简单的小镜子,才是我在做的过程中来回改动最多的一件,难点就在于打孔。 This issue introduces the making process of the small mirror. Doing this three items, each have each piece of the technical difficulties, comb the difficulty lies in hobbing, in the case of without the use of electric tools, the tooth open even, driving down a perfectly straight, is very test of patience and mind. Dressing box of the difficulty lies in the opening Angle of 45 degrees and tenon, size error can't be too big. But this seemingly simple small mirror, is what am I doing in the process of change at most a back and forth, the difficulty lies in the punch. 依然先展示成品,采用的木料是红花梨首先依然是先设计好想要做的形状及尺寸,再一步就是细化其结构,然后根据设计好的结构着手开始做。这个镜子分为底面部分和翻盖部分两部分,首先是底面部分,下面是底面部分的结构图,虚线为锯缝。 Still show the finished product, first is the safflower pear wood used first is still the design shape and size, want to do again step is to refine the structure, and then start to do according to the designed structure. Mirrors the bottom part and flip part divides into two parts, the first is the bottom part, here is the bottom part of the chart, dotted line for the kerf. 然后在底面上挖出来凹槽,凹槽里面是放镜子用的,凹槽的大小就是镜子的大小,边缘要整齐方正,凹槽底面要平。整个凹槽用到的工具就是一把宽凿子和一把锤子。 And then dig out on the bottom surface groove, groove is put inside the mirror, the size of the groove is the size of the mirror, neat edge to founder, groove bottom to be flat. The groove tool is used by a wide chisel and a hammer. 然后做上面的盖子部分,盖子很好做,就是拿一个薄板开一个豁口图中一目了然,用到锯子和凿子,用锯子锯出豁口的两端,用凿子剔除中间不要的部分,要有耐心,不能操之过急,免得震裂。做好以后试试能不能合在一起,尺寸把握好,底面的凸起部分和盖子的凹槽的结合不能有太大的缝隙。 Then do the lid of the above parts, the cover is very good, is to take a map sheet open a gap in the be clear at a glance, use the saw and chisel, use a saw saw a gouges where whole pieces were missing at both ends, with a chisel to get rid of the middle don't and want to have patience, can't act too hastily, lest shatter. Well can try together, after a fine size, the combination of the grooves and bumps on the underside of the lid can not have too big gap.
关键字:镜子 梳妆
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推荐:梳妆镜、化妆镜、卡通镜、梳妆头梳、梳妆镜厂家、化妆镜厂家价格、卡通镜厂家批发等 网址
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